
The Rise of Soankbang: A Cultural Phenomenon


Over the past decade, a new form of entertainment has taken South Korea by storm – soankbang. This unique genre of live streaming has captivated millions of viewers, both in South Korea and around the world. In this article, we will explore the origins of soankbang, its cultural significance, and its impact on the entertainment industry. We will also delve into the reasons behind its popularity and discuss the potential future of this fascinating phenomenon.

What is Soankbang?

Soankbang, which translates to “eating broadcast” in English, is a live streaming phenomenon where individuals broadcast themselves eating a meal. These broadcasts typically feature the streamer eating a variety of dishes while interacting with their audience through live chat. The streamers often provide commentary on the food, share personal stories, and engage in conversations with their viewers.

Soankbang gained popularity in South Korea in the early 2010s and quickly became a cultural sensation. Today, there are numerous platforms dedicated to soankbang, with thousands of streamers attracting millions of viewers each day.

The Cultural Significance of Soankbang

Soankbang has deep cultural roots in South Korea. In Korean culture, sharing a meal is considered a social activity that fosters connections and strengthens relationships. However, with the rise of urbanization and the increasing number of single-person households, many individuals in South Korea find themselves eating alone. Soankbang provides a sense of companionship and community for those who may feel isolated during mealtime.

Furthermore, soankbang reflects the growing trend of “mukbang” in South Korea. Mukbang, which translates to “eating broadcast” in English, refers to videos or live streams where individuals consume large quantities of food while interacting with their audience. Mukbang gained popularity in the late 2000s and paved the way for the emergence of soankbang.

The Popularity of Soankbang

Soankbang’s popularity can be attributed to several factors:

  • Escapism: Soankbang provides an escape from the stresses of daily life. Viewers can immerse themselves in the streamer’s world and temporarily forget their own worries.
  • Social Interaction: The live chat feature allows viewers to interact with the streamer and other viewers in real-time. This social aspect creates a sense of community and belonging.
  • Food Culture: South Korea has a rich and diverse food culture, and soankbang allows viewers to experience different cuisines vicariously through the streamers.
  • Entertainment Value: Many soankbang streamers have charismatic personalities and engaging storytelling abilities, making their broadcasts entertaining to watch.

Additionally, soankbang has gained international attention, with viewers from around the world tuning in to watch these broadcasts. The global appeal of soankbang can be attributed to the rise of social media platforms and the increasing accessibility of Korean culture through K-pop and Korean dramas.

The Impact on the Entertainment Industry

Soankbang has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry, both in South Korea and beyond. Traditional media outlets have taken notice of the popularity of soankbang and have incorporated it into their programming. Television shows now feature segments where celebrities participate in mukbang or soankbang, capitalizing on the trend’s popularity.

Furthermore, soankbang has opened up new opportunities for content creators. Many streamers have turned their passion for food and storytelling into successful careers. They earn income through various means, such as brand partnerships, sponsorships, and viewer donations. Some streamers have even published cookbooks or opened their own restaurants, leveraging their online popularity to expand their ventures.

The Future of Soankbang

As soankbang continues to evolve, it is likely to remain a prominent form of entertainment in South Korea and beyond. The genre has already expanded beyond just eating broadcasts, with streamers now incorporating other activities such as cooking, travel, and even ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) into their content.

Additionally, advancements in technology, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, may further enhance the soankbang experience. Viewers may soon be able to immerse themselves in a virtual dining environment, making the experience even more interactive and engaging.


Soankbang has emerged as a cultural phenomenon that has captivated audiences worldwide. Its unique blend of food, storytelling, and social interaction has struck a chord with viewers, providing a sense of companionship and entertainment. As soankbang continues to evolve and adapt to new technologies, its influence on the entertainment industry is likely to grow. Whether you are a fan of soankbang or simply curious about this fascinating trend, there is no denying its impact on popular culture.


1. How did soankbang originate?

Soankbang originated in South Korea in the early 2010s as an extension of the mukbang trend, where individuals consume large quantities of food while interacting with their audience. Soankbang specifically focuses on the act of eating a meal and sharing that experience with viewers through live streaming.

Soankbang’s popularity can be attributed to several factors. It provides an escape from daily life, offers social interaction through live chat, allows viewers to experience different cuisines vicariously, and entertains with charismatic streamers and engaging storytelling.

3. How has soankbang impacted the entertainment industry?

Soankbang has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry. Traditional media outlets have incorporated it into their programming, and many content creators have turned their passion for food and storytelling into successful careers. Soankbang has also opened up new opportunities for brand partnerships, sponsorships, and other ventures.

4. What is the future of soankbang?

The future of soankbang looks promising. The genre has already expanded beyond eating broadcasts to include other activities, and advancements in technology may enhance the soankbang experience further. Virtual reality and augmented reality could provide viewers with an even more immersive and interactive dining environment.

Yes, soankbang has gained international attention, with viewers from around the world tuning in to watch these broadcasts. The global appeal of soankbang can be attributed to the rise of social media platforms and the increasing accessibility of Korean culture through K-pop and Korean dramas.

His love for reading is one of the many things that make him such a well-rounded individual. He's worked as both an freelancer and with Business Today before joining our team, but his addiction to self help books isn't something you can put into words - it just shows how much time he spends thinking about what kindles your soul!


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